Terrorism And Social Science

Among the many ways in which it is possible to view terrorism, it is extremely useful to also view it as a subject of social science. Terrorism qualifies for this because it is concerned with human traits, behavioral patterns, and decision making processes which have far reaching implications on society at large. It is therefore not only possible but also important to subject it to social scientific research. As with the other subjects of social science, the first step is to conduct field observations and collect vital data on the subject. The next step is to analyze the data and come up with hypotheses to explain it.  These hypotheses need to then be put to the test and either proved or disproved through further observations (note; experimentation is not viewed as an ethical option in social sciences in general, and in terrorism in particular). Finally, if further observations have validated said hypotheses, we now have a proven theory to explain what is going on. After this last point is reached, it is possible to make valid and reliable claims and predictions regarding terrorism. These claims and predictions about terrorism constitute the starting point of any respectable training. The next step is to extend the same process to terrorist activity prevention, culminating with the ability to make valid and reliable claims and predictions regarding the prevention of terrorist activity.

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Utilizing Israeli know-how and delivered by me, Ami Toben, this online course teaches actionable, time-tested methods of prevention, detection and disruption of hostile attacks.

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